Monday, November 9, 2015

November 9th-13th

General Announcements:
  • TOMORROW is DRESS YOUR BEST at Brock’s Gap for our Veterans Day program.During the month of November we are collecting unopened, travel-size toiletries for the VA Hospital and homeless Veterans in Birmingham. Collection boxes will be in the BGIS lobby through this Friday, November 13th. 
  • Progress Reports come home TOMORROW, Tuesday, November 10th. Please look over your child's grades with them and return signed on Thursday, November 12th.
From our nurse, Mrs. Walker:In accordance with Alabama law, Section 16-29-1, Code Alabama, 1975, our school will be conducting a free screening to detect adolescent scoliosis on November 17, 2015 all day during PE classes. The school nurse along with a nurse from Children's Hospital will conduct the scoliosis screening program. The screening, which takes about one minute, is simple and not embarrassing. It involves a visual examination of the back while standing straight and bending over. Boys and girls will be screened separately. Scoliosis is a twisting, or curve of the spine which occurs in about 10% of the adolescent population and about 2 ½% will require some type of medical attention. The first sign of scoliosis is usually noticed between the ages of ten and fourteen. If any symptoms are detected for your child, you will be notified by letter. Please make sure your child wears a slip-on shirt or blouse on the screening day. Girls may wear a bathing suit top or bra which will remain on during the screening. If you do not want your child to participate then send a note in writing to the school nurse. Thank you for you cooperation with the screening program. 
Tyra Walker, RN (School Nurse, Brock's Gap Intermediate)
hone  439-1630 Fax 439-1601
Language Arts:
  • Topics of Study - *Vocabulary: We are starting week 4 in our Greek and Latin Roots study. Homework practice will be sent home on Monday and due on Thursday. There will be a test on Friday, November 13th. **Reading Log- There will not be any more reading logs sent home this month.  **Writing-  This week, we learned important note-taking skills needed in order to write an Informational writing piece.  We gathered and organized information and then worked together to write an short writing piece on colonies.  This set the stage for next week. We will be working in class on this piece for the next two weeks. **Language IXL-  We are working on using commas in a series and in dates. The IXL skills are DD.1 and DD.2. Extra class time was given today to work on both of these skills. IXL contracts are due Friday.  
Social Studies:
  • Topics of Study – We are completing our study of the events leading the American Revolution. Students are reviewing the causes of the Revolutionary War this week. There will be a quiz on Friday. The students can study their notes packet and democracy activity.  
  • We completed our study of volume with our Unit test last Friday. Today we began our study of fractions.  Our unit begins with a study of the whole as well as understanding mixed numbers.  We will have an IXL contract- click on this link for a copy- IXL November 9th-13th . The practice skills are Level G: L3, U1, and D11. Students should show their work on D11. Cumulative Review also came home today and is not due until Friday. Here is a Link to Cumulative Review #9 . We will have no tests or quizzes this week!
We are continuing to look at how plants are producers, and what that means to the rest of life. We are specifically focusing on photosynthesis and how we know plants are producers. We will be doing several different hands-on activities that go along with our study. These experiments and representations will help us develop a better understanding of how energy flows from the sun and then, outward. No quiz this week; all activities will be done in class and in our Science notebooks!