Monday, November 2, 2015

November 2nd- 6th


  • NEXT Tuesday, November 10th at 8:45 A.M., is our Veterans Day program at Brock’s Gap.
  • If you have a family or friend you would like to invite to attend and be honored at our Veterans Day program, please complete the bottom of the letter that came home last week or email Mrs. McNiel or Mrs. Ponder for more information.
  • During the month of November we are collecting unopened, travel-size toiletries for the VA Hospital in Birmingham. There are collection boxes in the BGIS lobby today through Friday, November 13th.  
  • Progress Reports come home next Tuesday, November 10th. Don't forget to check your child's grades from time to time in INOW.
  • Language Arts:
    • Vocabulary: We are starting week 3 in our Greek and Latin Roots study.  We will focus on mem-, -ology, and sci-.  Homework practice came home today and is due Thursday. The Vocab test will be this Friday, November 6th.
    • Reading Log-These will be due on Wednesday, November 4th.  I will not be giving a new one on Wednesday due to being out for Veteran's Day next week. 
    • Language IXL-  The new IXL activities are due Friday. The new skills are FF.1, FF.2, and FF.3. Students should be completing these activities first thing in the morning during homeroom. We encourage them daily to use their homeroom and class time wisely.
    • Writing- We started Informational writing on today. We will work on writing across the curriculum using our Social Studies study of the colonies to fuel our focus for this writing piece.  Great work on the Tombstone Projects!
    Social Studies:
    • We will be discussing democracy and the events leading up to the American Revolution.
    • We are finishing up our study of volume this week. Students are determining the volume of rectangular prisms, irregular figures, and more complex figures. We will have a UNIT TEST on Volume THIS Friday.  A study guide came home today and I have a copy posted on the Math section of our Blog. The first page of the Study Guide is due tomorrow and the rest of the study guide is due Wednesday.  There are no new IXL activities assigned this week. Here is a link to the VOLUME UNIT STUDY GUIDE: Unit 2 Volume Study Guide . Tomorrow I will post the answer to the study guide to my Math Blog.
    • We are studying  ecosystems.  This week we will be learning about Food Chains and Food Webs. There will be a Science Quiz this Thursday and a study guide came home today. We will be doing many activities in class tomorrow and Wednesday to prepare for this quiz. Here is a link to the study guide: Ecosystem Vocabulary Study Guide