Language Arts

Listed below are some awesome coding activities.

- Made With Code - Inside Out:

Holiday Card Coding!
2. Choose a card.
3. Click the blue button that says "See Inside".
4. Create your own holiday card!

Padlet for Language Arts today

Thanksgiving BrainPop

Click here to watch the BrainPop


Founding Information

SS for Kids Colonies

Thirteen Colonies Profiles
Techbook Link

Rhode Island
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
South Carolina

Veteran's Day Webquest

Information Writing

Trapped by the Ice!

Please take your vocabulary test first.

Vocabulary Test

Cold Read

After your cold read you may work on your colonies project, newspaper, reading log, or math IXL. 


(You need to click the orange "Get Started" button)

Notable Americans Tombstone Project

Slides about project

Project Directions

This project is due October 26th. You can bring in your tombstone before that if you finish early. 


Type your final draft or finish editing when you are done.

Friday Website


Go to: Socrative

Room code: McNiel107

TST Resource

TST First Day of Reading

After Cold Read

Studying Tip

Use the website to help you make flashcards for your vocab tests. It is easy, fun and it looks up definitions for you! You can share with other people and study them on your chromebook.

It’s Friday!

Take your vocab test first and then your comprehension. Don’t forget to check your answers very carefully before you submit.

  Vocab Test 
Comprehension Test

When you are done go to the following link. It has all kinds of types of writing prompts. Check them out and choose one to write about in a google doc. 

Don’t forget to share with so I can see your awesome story!

Here are the links for your tests today:

Be sure to check your answers carefully before you hit submit!
  1. Vocabulary Test
  2. Comprehension Test

When you are done do this survey for Ms. Carlisle. After you take it please put away your chromebook in your desk and take out your bag of books. The table with the highest number of points may sit in the reading corner and Israel and Aniya can sit in the chairs.