
Earth Science Test click here

After the Test you can look at these websites
 or look at Science World:

Another timeline
Kid-friendly timeline
Timeline of Spaces Telescopes
BrainPop Telescopes in Space

Rosetta comet landing:
ESA - European Space Agency for kids

Other resources:
Nasa's Space Place for Kids
National Geo's Space News
Kids' Astronomy
Amazing Space: Exploration for Kids
PBS space videos - Star Gazers

Hubble Space Telescope Resources/Info:
Nasa site for Webb Telescope
Science Daily - Webb info
Webb Telescope home page
Webb Telescope Fast Facts
Webb Telescope WebCam 

Classroom Planetarium (planet distances)
Planet Mass Comparison (balance scale)
Good Space Info
Planet Info
How Much Would I Weigh on Another Planet?
Gravity and Weight on Other Planets

Link to Science Quiz


Enjoy these Conservation of Matter activities: 

Conservation of Matter Activity Link

Matter Lab Activity

Density Virtual Lab

Human Impact on the Environment Research

In class, we have been studying how humans have an effect on the environment around us.  This week, we are going to be learning ways we can protect Earth's natural resources and it's environment.  As you research this week, remember to fill in the PROS, CONS, and SOLUTIONS for each situation on your graphic organizer.  Here is a link to the graphic organizer click here for graphic organizer . You may use the following sites below to research.

1.  Deforestation of Forests

4.  Soil Erosion

Alternative Energy Resources

solar- energy from the sun; Solar energy is a renewable energy source. This means that we cannot run out of solar energy, as opposed to non-renewable energy sources (e.g. fossil fuels, coal and nuclear).Solar Energy link
wind-Wind can be used to do work. The kinetic energy of the wind can be changed into other forms of energy, either mechanical energy or electrical energy.Wind energy link Wind Energy Youtube
biofuels- dead plants, trash, etc. that is burned for energy
geothermal- Geo= Earth and Thermal= heat
heat from inside the Earth; Geothermal link

energy that comes from moving water Hydroelectric link

SOUND ENERGY. Watch this cool video
ELECTRICAL ENERGY. Watch this video
FOSSIL FUELS. Watch this Bill Nye clip about fossil fuels.
SAVING ENERGY. Watch this video on What is Energy? and this video on How to Save Energy.
SOLAR ENERGY. Watch this video on solar power.
WIND ENERGY. Watch this video on wind power.
HYDROELECTRIC POWER. Watch this video on hydroelectric power.
ENERGY AT DISNEY. Watch this video about the energy used at Disneyworld.

    Rubberbands vs Watermelon in SLO MO
    Hysterical Rubberbands vs Watermelon with Crazy Russian guy

More Fun Science Activities: 

Research and find out the science behind these things to make a poster for our hallway. Use the links below to get started and then try to find out more information by researching on your own!

Bubbles and another bubble video
Roller coasters and another roller coaster video and another one
Fireworks and another fireworks video
Physics of Pitching
Physics of Skiing
Physics of Figure Skating
Hang Time
A Perfect Spiral
Pole Vaulting and another pole vaulting video
Robot Fish
Military Dog Robot
Cute Chick Robot
The Science of Chocolate and another video on how chocolate is made
Mind Control
Google Glass
Computer Interface Technology
3-D Printing
How to Detect if Someone is Lying
Bridge Building
How a Jet engine works
How A Toilet Works
How a Piano Works
How A Telescope Works
How a Slushie Machine Works
How is Money Made?
How is Glass Made?
How are Diamonds Formed?
How do X-rays Work?
Why Does Spinning Make You Dizzy?
How Do Guns Work?
Do Animals Like to Listen to Music?
How Snowflakes Form
How are Hot Dogs made?
How Honey is Made
How Jelly Beans are Made
How Pringles are Made
How Coke is Made
Clothes that Generate Electricity

Distribution of Water Activity-
  • You are going to make a "distribution of water" pie chart  using your Chromebook.      *(Refer to the "Distribution of Water" table- in your Science notebook- for the  percentages you need to make your chart).
1.    CLICK HERE and make a copy of the Google Sheet.

2.  Enter the information  (percentages from the "Distribution of Water") in the table.

3.  Highlight the information in the chart and click on INSERT at the top.  Then choose CHART.  Choose the pie chart and click insert.

4.  You may now change the colors to whatever you like.

5.  Click the tab in the bottom left hand corner that says ALL OF EARTH'S WATER and repeat steps 2-4.

6.  Last, don't forget to SHARE your chart with Mrs. Ponder (

7.  Watch the Brainpop on Water Supply  [Username: bgisbucs, Password: bgis]
  • Take the CLASSIC QUIZ and e-mail your results to   
  • You may re-take the quiz if you are not happy with your results                      (A=9-10, B= 8, C= 7, D= 6, F= 5/below) 
  • 8. Watch the Brainpop on the Water Cycle [Username: bgisbucs, Password: bgis]
  • Take the CLASSIC QUIZ and e-mail your results to  You may re-take the quiz if you are not happy with your results.                                                           9.  What is your Water Footprint? Take the quiz!
     Explore these 
    Science Water Activities:
1.   Play Tip Tank - a water conservation game
2.  Watch Crash Course Kids- Weathering and Erosion
3.  Go to this Use Water Wisely site and CLICK on WATER DETECTIVES ACTIVITY button on the right. See if you can find all 23 ways that water is being used!

4.  You and a partner look through the websites below and decide on ONE way you can help conserve water and come get a large piece of paper from Mrs. Ponder and make a poster for the hallway!

5. When you are finished with everything above, you can:
Do something ACADEMIC on your Chromebook (not games) like watch BrainPop, create your own Google slideshow, you can Code or Scratch, or go on SumDog, Keyboard Mayhem

1st Nine Week's Earth Sphere Interactions Project
Goal: To create a model of an ecosystem with examples of how the four spheres interact in that ecosystem.
You should be able to explain to your class four spheres interact in that ecosystem.  

Ways to create your model: (choose one) all supplies must be brought from home
  • 3D diorama examples here
  • poster - must be colored neatly
  • Google drawing & presentation (no extra supplies needed-just Chromebook)

Ecosystems to choose from: (choose one)
  • rainforest
  • coral reef
  • temperate forest
  • desert
  • grassland/plains

How you will be graded:
  • You must create a model that shows all four spheres (hydrosphere, geosphere, biosphere, atmosphere).
  • Neatness and effort count!
  • You must correctly label each sphere.
  • you must include a Google presentation of how each sphere interacts with all of the others
    • hydrosphere to atmosphere
    • hydrosphere to geosphere
    • hydrosphere to biosphere
    • atmosphere to geosphere
    • atmosphere to biosphere
    • geosphere to biosphere
  • Resources- See the website below the grading rubric.

Points possible
Points earned

Interactions presentation



Rainforest Website Links:

Tropical Rainforests                               World Biomes- Rainforest

Coral Reef Website Links: Ducksters- Coral Reef Info.

Temperate Forest



Other Links:

Earth's systems Interactions        Volcanos- Sphere Interactions         Yellowstone Fires-

Science Classroom Assignments: 
 1. Watch the 2 videos about Earth's Spheres:
2. Click on the Earth's Spheres website below to answer content and application questions about Earth's spheres. Make sure you thoroughly answer the question(s) for each slide. 
Earth's Spheres 

Sphere Interaction

**If you finish the Spheres Slideshow and questions....
    Giant Koosh Ball in Liquid Nitrogen
    Rubberbands vs Watermelon in SLO MO
    Hysterical Rubberbands vs Watermelon with Crazy Russian guy
    Cool Elephant toothpaste video
    Kids React to OLD Computers
    Cool STRANGE Inventions
    Top 4 Cars Changing the World Now
    41 Amazing Inventions

More Fun Science Activities: 

Research and find out the science behind these things to make a poster for our hallway. Use the links below to get started and then try to find out more information by researching on your own!

Bubbles and another bubble video
Roller coasters and another roller coaster video and another one
Fireworks and another fireworks video
Physics of Pitching
Physics of Skiing
Physics of Figure Skating
Hang Time
A Perfect Spiral
Pole Vaulting and another pole vaulting video
Robot Fish
Military Dog Robot
Cute Chick Robot
The Science of Chocolate and another video on how chocolate is made
Mind Control
Google Glass
Computer Interface Technology
3-D Printing
How to Detect if Someone is Lying
Bridge Building
How a Jet engine works
How A Toilet Works
How a Piano Works
How A Telescope Works
How a Slushie Machine Works
How is Money Made?
How is Glass Made?
How are Diamonds Formed?
How do X-rays Work?
Why Does Spinning Make You Dizzy?
How Do Guns Work?
Do Animals Like to Listen to Music?
How Snowflakes Form
How are Hot Dogs made?
How Honey is Made
How Jelly Beans are Made
How Pringles are Made
How Coke is Made
Clothes that Generate Electricity