Monday, November 16, 2015

November 16th- 20th

General Announcements:
  • Thanksgiving break is next week (November 23rd-27th)! Safe travels to all that will be out of town. If your child will be absent or checking out Friday, please let us know ahead of time so they can complete any work from that day.
  • A note from BGIS Computer Teacher, Mrs. Willis: Parents and Community,In honor of Hour of Code on December 11, 2015, we would like to invite the community to share their expertise with computers.  If you are a computer professional and would love the chance to share your experiences with students at Brock's Gap, we need you!  We are looking for presenters to share on Friday, December 11, 2015 at Brock's Gap Intermediate School.  If you are interested or know someone who is, please fill out the form below with your information! Link to form Thanks for all of your support on this fun day learning about computers and coding!  If you have any questions, please feel free to email Mrs. Willis.
  • **From our nurse, Mrs. Walker: In accordance with Alabama law, Section 16-29-1, Code Alabama, 1975, our school will be conducting a free screening to detect adolescent scoliosis TOMORROW- November 17, 2015 all day during PE classes. The school nurse along with a nurse from Children's Hospital will conduct the scoliosis screening program. The screening, which takes about one minute, is simple and not embarrassing. It involves a visual examination of the back while standing straight and bending over. Boys and girls will be screened separately. Scoliosis is a twisting, or curve of the spine which occurs in about 10% of the adolescent population and about 2 ½% will require some type of medical attention. The first sign of scoliosis is usually noticed between the ages of ten and fourteen. If any symptoms are detected for your child, you will be notified by letter. Please make sure your child wears a slip-on shirt or blouse on the screening day. Girls may wear a bathing suit top or bra which will remain on during the screening. If you do not want your child to participate then send a note in writing to the school nurse. Thank you for you cooperation with the screening program. 
  • Please continue to check iNow for your child’s grades.
Language Arts:
  • We will be finishing up an informational writing piece on one of the 13 colonies. We will be drafting and editing this week. We are doing Unit 5 Greek/Latin Root words this week. Our words all contain the roots dict-, scrib-/script-, or graph/gram. The homework sheet came home today and is due Wednesday, November 18th. The test will be this Thursday, November 19th. There is no Grammar IXL contract and NO READING LOG this week! A new Reading Log will come home after the Thanksgiving break!
    Social Studies:
    • We are beginning to talk about the American Revolutionary War this week. We will be discussing Patriots, Loyalists, armies, and the battles in the war. We will continue this after Thanksgiving break and finish up before the winter holidays
      • We are working on our understanding and application of fractions: comparing and ordering, adding and subtracting.  Cumulative Review #10  came home today and is due Wednesday.  We will have a Cumulative Review Quiz on Thursday.Here is a link to Cumulative Review #10 .
      • We are studying the process of Photosynthesis.  We will have a quiz on FRIDAY.  A study guide came home today and here is a link Photosynthesis Study Guide .  Students can find many photosynthesis activities and video on the Science page of our blog: Link to Science activities.