Monday, March 21, 2016

March 21st-25th

General Announcements:

    •  5k for a Cause is this Friday, March 25th. There will have inflatables, tug-of-war, healthy snacks, and our annual 5k fun run (or walk). This is a fun day for our students to be active, have fun, and be a part of giving back to our community.
    •  For more details- 5K for a Kause information. You are welcome to come join your child for some or part of the activities on this day! See the schedule below. 
    • It is NOT too late for your child to participate in our 5K for a Kause.  The $5 entry fee will be accepted through Thursday. 
    •  3rd Nine week's report cards came home last Wednesday. Please return a signed copy if you have not done so already. 
    • NEXT WEEK is Spring Break- MARCH 28th-April 3rd (Schools and offices will be closed all week!) We hope you all have a wonderful week of rest and fun! 
    • Mr. Josh Lynch, Brock's Gap/Bumpus Middle School band director spoke to our students during their Music classes last week. He sent an information letter home about band.  Let us know if this information didn't make it home and we can make sure you get another copy.  
    • ACT ASPIRE Testing is soon......
      5th Grade Testing April 11-14
      Amount of Time
      Monday, April 11
      65 minutes
      Tuesday, April 12
      65 minutes
      Wednesday, April 13
      English and Writing
      40 minutes and 30 minutes
      Thursday, April 14
      60 minutes
      ****This testing is usually done right away each morning  between 8:00-10:00 A.M. 

    5th Grade Explorers (Tentative schedule for this FRIDAY)
    • 8:10-8:25 -Cheer (Stadium)
    • 8:30- 8:45- Edge Tennis-> Warm-up station
    • 8:50-9:30-Start Line/Run
    • 9:35-9:55-Hydration Station*
    • 10:00-10:20-Concessions
    • 10:20-10:45-Cheer 
    • 10:45-11:15 Lunch
    • 11:20-11:52- Tug-Of-War
    • 11:55-12:27-Nutrition station`
    • 12:30-1:02-Inflatables~
    • 1:05-1:37- {YMCA fun }
    • 1:40-Stop-ALL festivities-go to stadium
    • 1:45-2:30 EVERYONE- Closing Ceremonies (In Stadium)- Surprise event!!!! AND PIES!!

    • There will be no Tween Tribune or spotlight reader this week.
    • We are discussing poetry this week. We are looking at the theme in the poem and uncovering hidden meaning. We will have a cold read on Thursday, as we have to make up the cold read from last week after some technology glitches. 
    • We will NOT have Grammar IXL this week. We will be completing a Language arts ACT review packet in the mornings instead.
    Social Studies:
      • We are going to finish talking about the Industrial Revolution this week. We will discuss important inventions, inventors, and events. We will have a quiz on Tuesday, March 22nd on the Industrial Revolution. There will not be a study guide, the students will need participate and look over information from class. They can also use this quizizz to review the information. 
      • New IXL activities were assigned today and are due FRIDAY. Here is a Link to IXL activities for March 21st-25th.These are DUE FRIDAY! 
      • Homework this week will involve application of the skills we are doing in class each day! Today we worked on LINE PLOTS. 
      • We have a busy week in Math.  We are learning about how to understand and graph points on the Coordinate Plane, how to understand and create Line Plots, and are going to try to squeeze in a little Geometry review! 
      • We started our new unit, "A Long Way Down: Designing Parachutes." This unit introduces the field of aerospace engineering by guiding students to explore how aerospace engineers design and test technologies to be used in extra-terrestrial (non-Earth) environments. This unit involves hands-on activities, discussions, and readings to introduce the Engineering Design Process, the work of aerospace engineers, and other engineering and technology concepts.  The culminating activity at the end of this unit is to test our own parachutes and analyze the results.
      • Science Quiz scheduled for this Thursday. Here is the link to the notes (study guide) for the