Tuesday, March 1, 2016

February 29th-March 4th

General Announcements:
    Reading Rally Books: All students at Brock's Gap have been challenged to read 6 chapter books! Each of these books were introduced to the students at our school-wide Reading Rally assembly a few weeks ago. We are encouraging our students to "Read, Read, Read!" As students finish one book, they should swap or trade their book for the next one they would like to read! This challenge has been a lot of fun and your children are very excited about what they are reading!
      Language Arts:
      • We are talking about summarizing fiction and nonfiction this week. We are practicing with with nursery rhymes, Disney short films, and non-fiction passages. We will have a cold read on Friday to test summarizing.
      • The article "President Obama designates three new national monuments was assigned on Tween Tribune last Friday and is due on Friday, March 4th. Students will need to read the article and answer the 3 questions that go along with it. We practiced opening a separate window with the the quiz so that they can easily go back and check their answers, is it is only a 3 question quiz. The assignment is a 10 point homework grade. Because the website will not allow them to retake a quiz, they may read and take other articles and quizzes to average with their score.
      • Spotlight reader will take place on Friday, March 4th as well. The students will need to bring the book of choice they are reading to school be prepared to present the following: book title, author, main characters, basic plot, and a teacher question of choice. I will be choosing students at random, so everyone needs to be prepared!
      • Grammar IXL skills CC.2, Z.1, Z.2, and HH.1 (Level G) are due Friday, March 4th.
      Social Studies:
        This week's Unit of study is Westward Expansion. We just finished up a google tour project about Lewis and Clark's expedition. Ask your child to show you their tour on their app! We are discussing the trails to the west and the gold rush.  The test on Westward Expansion will be March 10th. The study guide will come home later this week. I will also post a quizlet in google classroom for the kids to use to help them study.
        We have been working on Multiplying fractions using improper fractions, distributuive property, and area models. We are now moving on to Division of fractions. There won't be a Math Test this week. Cumulative Review #19 came home yesterday! Here is the Cumulative Review #19 link. Something new I started is for students to check their answers on the Math section of the blog. Students have until Thursday to check their answers and make corrections. New IXL activities were assigned and are due next Monday. This week's activities are Level G: M5, M14, M15, M16, N7. No Math test or quiz this week!
        • We are doing hands-on lab activities involving
        • Grades will be taken from Science notebook and  lab activities.