Monday, February 8, 2016

February 8th -12th

Image result for valentine clip art

General Announcements:

  • Valentine Grams are sale in the lunchroom 7:30-7:40 A.M. this week through Thursday. Valentine  Grams come with a bracelet,of your choice,and are $1.00 each. Please bring in $1.00 cash, not coins. Make sure you know the homeroom of the student  to whom you are sending the gram.
  • Our classes will be exchanging Valentines and/or candy on February 12th.  We will also plan to have a special snack on this day. Please see the sign up genius if you would like to send something. 
  •  BOX TOP COLLECTION: Make sure you label the BOX TOPS with your child's name and homeroom teacher's name.   Prizes will be drawn in March. Thank you for your AWESOME support of this easy school fundraiser
  • Rezoning Community Meeting at Brock's Gap this Thursday, February 11th at 6:00 P.M.  For the most up-to-date information on rezoning-
  • February 15th-16th -                Presidents’ Day Holiday-                  Students Out of school           District Professional Development for teachers.
Language Arts:
  • We are transitioning to a narrative writing unit. The students will be writing a personal memoir; this is a fun unit! The students will be brain storming this week and talking about ways to find ideas for a great story. I am looking forward to hearing their wonderful thoughts! We will be looking at our favorite books for ideas on Thursday so please help your child check out or bring their favorite book to school!
  • The article "Good evidence for 9th planet in solar system" was assigned on Tween Tribune last Friday and is due on Friday, February 12th. Students will need to read the article and answer the 3 questions that go along with it. We practiced opening a separate window with the the quiz so that they can easily go back and check their answers, is it is only a 3 question quiz. The assignment is a 10 point homework grade. Because the website will not allow them to retake a quiz, they may read and take other articles and quizzes to average with their score.
  • Spotlight reader will take place on Friday, February 12th as well. The students will need to bring the book of choice they are reading to school be prepared to present the following: book title, author, main characters, basic plot, and a teacher question of choice. I will be choosing students at random, so everyone needs to be prepared!
  • The Greek and Latin roots homework will come home today and be due on Thursday, February 11th. We will have a Greek and Latin roots test on Friday, February 12th.
  • Grammer IXL skills S.1, V.3, W.1, and X.1 (Level G) are due Friday, February 12th.
Social Studies:
  • We are beginning a new unit about Westward Expansion this week. We will be studying the acquisition of Texas and California, War of 1812, and the Louisiana Purchase this week. Next week we will start looking at Lewis and Clark's expedition. We have some fun projects planned for this unit!

  • We are learning about the Physical and Chemical Properties of Matter. We are still working on our labs involving Chemical and Physical properties this week.  
  • We will have a quiz on Chemical and Physical Changes on Thursday! Students should review their notes from their science notebooks!  
  • Grades will be also taken for Science notebook and our lab activities.