Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Weekly Memo -September 8th-11th, 2015

General Announcements:

  • The Explorer hall will be going to Camp McDowell, September 21st-23rd.  The total cost of camp this is $173.  
  • All money is due by this Friday, September 11th. We highly encourage parents to pay on myschoolfees.com
  • Medical Forms and Risk Waivers should have been returned on Friday, if you have not returned these forms we need them immediately.  We were supposed to mail them in today.
  • Remember to turn in magazine orders and money for this week tomorrow.
  • Fall Pictures will be this Thursday, September 10th.
  • There will be a vision and hearing screening for all fifth graders Tuesday, September 15.  Students who wear glasses should bring them to school.
  • Please see information at the bottom of the newsletter  from our nurse, Tyra Walker, about an upcoming health event at our school
Curriculum News
Language Arts: This week will be a reading review week. We will be looking at the past 3 stories we have read and looking for common themes. We will also be review all of the vocabulary words we have had until this point. Friday we have a “cold-read” reading quiz. This will be a quiz on a story students have not yet seen. There will be NO vocabulary quiz.Reading Logs are due on Wednesday. PLEASE make sure you are signing your child’s reading log. Also, Word Wizard crossword will be due on Friday.

Social Studies: This week we are beginning our Explorer’s Unit. We will be looking at the European explorers and their impact on our world.

Math: We will be comparing multiplication strategies and learning the traditional algorithm.  There will be no Cumulative Review this week.  We will have a short CR quiz on Friday.  It will cover the material from CR #3 and what we cover in class.  There will also be  math pages due on Wednesday and Friday.  We will begin our IXL Contracts this week too.  These will be sent home on Monday of each week and are due the following Monday.  The first contract is due Monday, September 14th.

Science: We are going to begin the week by reviewing the data we collected from our gummy bear experiment and drawing conclusions.  We will even create a graph to display our results!  Next, we will begin  learning about the spheres of the earth exploring how they interact with each other, and investigating the causes and effects of these interactions.  There will be no science quiz this week.  The next quiz is tentatively set for Wednesday, September 16th. 
A Note From the Nurse:
    Brock's Gap will hold its "Health Hero's" flu mist clinic on October 1, 2015.  The flu mist will be administered by nurses from HNH Immunization Inc., Union Springs Alabama.  This is for ALL students except those with PEEHIP insurance (through the education system).  If your child has NO health insurance they can still receive the flu mist vaccination.  Your child will bring home a permission form on Tuesday September 7, 2015.  Please complete the form COMPLETELY on both sides and return to your homeroom teacher.  If the permission form is NOT completed on both sides, then your child will not get the vaccination.  If you have any questions about the flu mist please contact lacy@teachflualesson.info or call 205-609-0268.
Hope everyone has a great week!
Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions at any time!    
Mrs. McNiel lmcniel@hoover.k12.al.us    and    Mrs. Ponder sponder@hoover.k12.al.us