Monday, September 28, 2015

September 28th- October 2nd

Fall clip artGeneral Announcements:

  • What an amazing trip to Camp McDowell we had!  We will upload more pictures as soon as possible.  If you have any pictures that you took, please send them to us so we can post these.  A HUGE thank you to our amazing chaperones for all you did during this trip!  We truly could not have done it without you!  Please know that you are very appreciated!!
  • 24a51f1d3f13d4d8caccad52e9b717b1.jpg (236×236)Sell those magazines!!!  This is our major fundraiser!  They have given us an extension for ONLINE SALES ONLY through September 30th. If you still wish to sell magazines, please encourage your family and friends to purchase these through the online program.  The online site is and the BGIS code is 2694313.  We appreciate your support of Brock’s Gap!
  • Don’t forget to check your child’s grades from time to time on INOW.  
  • BOX TOPS for Education- Please start sending in your BoxTops to support Brock's Gap Intermediate! We are thankful for your support!
  • We are short on highlighters. We would love it if you can send some in!
  • If you did not pick up your child's camp medication after camp please have an adult pick them up from the health room by Oct. 9th.  After this date they will be thrown out, they can't be kept in the health room.  
  • Important Dates for This week
Thursday- 10/1:  Flumist will be given from 10-12 for students that sent back completed form.
Important Curriculum Dates
9/30 - New Reading Log sent home
10/1 - Latin and Greek Roots HW done
10/1-Social Studies Test
10/2- Greek and Latin Roots Test (Unit 2)
10/2- Math Cumulative Review Test
10/2 - Language Arts IXL Due
Looking Ahead
10/5:  Make-Up Fall Pictures
10/12 : No School- Columbus Day
Curriculum News: 
Math News:Topics of Study – We have been working at memorizing and applying the Order of Operations: (PEMDAS- Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication or Division, Addition or Subtraction)- we are using the phrase "Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally" to help us remember.   We are also practicing and reviewing various division strategies so that we can find the most efficient strategy possible. We will be reviewing our geometry skills this week through a review of perimeter. Students will have an IXL contract this week and it is not due until next Monday (October 5th). They will need to complete the skills listed until they score a 100 or until they have worked for 20 minutes.  We will have a Math Cumulative Review Test this Friday.
Science News :Topics of Study –Today we enjoyed having Hoover Police Officer Johnson present a "Too Good for Drugs" lesson.  We will begin our Earth Sphere Interactions projects late this week.Projects will be completed AT SCHOOL.  There will be no quiz this week.  The project grade will take the place of a quiz.  
Language Arts News :Topics of Study**Writing: We have been working hard on researching and gathering evidence for why we should or should not have recess here at BGIS.  Our goal is to write and finish our Argument writing pieces.  **Greek and Latin Roots:  New words (Unit 2) will be passed out today.  Our root words include vis/vid, aud, and phon.   **Reading Log-Reading logs will come home Wednesday and will be due on the following Wednesday (Oct.7th).  **Language/Language IXL-  New morning work will be distributed today.  Our time to complete Language IXL is minimal in the mornings due to our Targeted Skills Time.  Please encourage your child to use their time wisely to complete this assignment.  
Social Studies:Topics of Study – On Monday, a study guide will be coming home on our Explorers’ Unit.  A test will be on Thursday. This study guide can also be found under the social studies tab.
We hope everyone has a great week!

Mrs. McNiel    and    Mrs. Ponder

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Girl Scout Camping Clip Art Clipart
September 14th-18th, 2015

General Announcements:

  • The Explorer hall will be going to Camp McDowell next week, September 21st-23rd. .
  • A packing list was sent home and we will be discussing this with the kids this week.
    • Progress reports will come home tomorrow!  
    • Magazine orders and money for this week due TOMORROW to receive prizes on Friday!
  • Please see information at the bottom of the newsletter  from our nurse, Tyra Walker, about an upcoming health event at our school.
  • From Mrs. Vines, BGIS Music Teacher: 
      Each child needs to have two recorders this year for Music. You do not have to buy another unless you want your child to have their own.  I have plenty for them to borrow. Please send money or purchase on My School Fees by Wednesday September 16th if you wish to buy another one.
Curriculum News
    Language Arts: This week we will begin opinion/argument writing. We will be looking at the issue of recess at Brock's Gap. The students will research both sides of the issue by reading articles and watching videos. We will create a claim that we can back with our research. There will be NO vocabulary quiz. Reading Logs are due on Wednesday. PLEASE make sure you are signing your child’s reading log. The students will a Greek and Latin Roots homework assignment due Thursday and a quiz on the roots and words for unit on Friday.

    Social Studies: This week we are continuing our Explorer’s Unit. We will be looking at the European explorers and their impact on our world.

    Math: We are working hard toward mastering using traditional algorithm for multiplication :-). We will also be working on the partial quotients strategy for division. We continue to work on daily problem solving and our Number Talks. 
    The Cumulative Review came home yesterday and is due TOMORROW. A new IXL contract also came home yesterday and it is due next Monday . There will also be  math activity book pages for homework on Wednesday and Thursday. There will be a short quiz on Algorithm Friday!
    Science: We are learning about the spheres of Earth (Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, Biosphere, and Geosphere/Lithosphere) and the interactions that take place among the spheres. Students are working on answering content and application based questions about the spheres using their Chromebooks. This activity will count as a quiz grade.

    A Note From the Nurse:
        Brock's Gap will hold its "Health Hero's" flu mist clinic on October 1, 2015.  The flu mist will be administered by nurses from HNH Immunization Inc., Union Springs Alabama.  This is for ALL students except those with PEEHIP insurance (through the education system).  If your child has NO health insurance they can still receive the flu mist vaccination.  Your child will bring home a permission form on Tuesday September 7, 2015.  Please complete the form COMPLETELY on both sides and return to your homeroom teacher.  If the permission form is NOT completed on both sides, then your child will not get the vaccination.  If you have any questions about the flu mist please contact or call 205-609-0268.
    Hope everyone has a great week!

    Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions at any time!    
    Mrs. McNiel    and    Mrs. Ponder

    Tuesday, September 8, 2015

    Weekly Memo -September 8th-11th, 2015

    General Announcements:

    • The Explorer hall will be going to Camp McDowell, September 21st-23rd.  The total cost of camp this is $173.  
    • All money is due by this Friday, September 11th. We highly encourage parents to pay on
    • Medical Forms and Risk Waivers should have been returned on Friday, if you have not returned these forms we need them immediately.  We were supposed to mail them in today.
    • Remember to turn in magazine orders and money for this week tomorrow.
    • Fall Pictures will be this Thursday, September 10th.
    • There will be a vision and hearing screening for all fifth graders Tuesday, September 15.  Students who wear glasses should bring them to school.
    • Please see information at the bottom of the newsletter  from our nurse, Tyra Walker, about an upcoming health event at our school
    Curriculum News
    Language Arts: This week will be a reading review week. We will be looking at the past 3 stories we have read and looking for common themes. We will also be review all of the vocabulary words we have had until this point. Friday we have a “cold-read” reading quiz. This will be a quiz on a story students have not yet seen. There will be NO vocabulary quiz.Reading Logs are due on Wednesday. PLEASE make sure you are signing your child’s reading log. Also, Word Wizard crossword will be due on Friday.

    Social Studies: This week we are beginning our Explorer’s Unit. We will be looking at the European explorers and their impact on our world.

    Math: We will be comparing multiplication strategies and learning the traditional algorithm.  There will be no Cumulative Review this week.  We will have a short CR quiz on Friday.  It will cover the material from CR #3 and what we cover in class.  There will also be  math pages due on Wednesday and Friday.  We will begin our IXL Contracts this week too.  These will be sent home on Monday of each week and are due the following Monday.  The first contract is due Monday, September 14th.

    Science: We are going to begin the week by reviewing the data we collected from our gummy bear experiment and drawing conclusions.  We will even create a graph to display our results!  Next, we will begin  learning about the spheres of the earth exploring how they interact with each other, and investigating the causes and effects of these interactions.  There will be no science quiz this week.  The next quiz is tentatively set for Wednesday, September 16th. 
    A Note From the Nurse:
        Brock's Gap will hold its "Health Hero's" flu mist clinic on October 1, 2015.  The flu mist will be administered by nurses from HNH Immunization Inc., Union Springs Alabama.  This is for ALL students except those with PEEHIP insurance (through the education system).  If your child has NO health insurance they can still receive the flu mist vaccination.  Your child will bring home a permission form on Tuesday September 7, 2015.  Please complete the form COMPLETELY on both sides and return to your homeroom teacher.  If the permission form is NOT completed on both sides, then your child will not get the vaccination.  If you have any questions about the flu mist please contact or call 205-609-0268.
    Hope everyone has a great week!
    Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions at any time!    
    Mrs. McNiel    and    Mrs. Ponder