Monday, August 24, 2015

Weekly Memo - August 24th -28th, 2015
General Announcements:
  • Tomorrow Night-Tuesday, August 25th,BGIS PTO/ Open House & Camp McDowell Meeting,
  •  5:00 P.M. Camp McDowell informational meeting for 5th grade students and parents in the BGIS cafeteria. Staff members from Camp McDowell will be here to share about their educational programs and to  answer questions.
  • 6:00 P.M. BGIS PTO and Open House  Students are encouraged to attend with their parents.  We would love to see you at both!
  • Coming up this week:
    Math:Topics of Study – This week we are continuing with Investigations Unit 1 -Arrays; number puzzles; prime factorization; multiplication and division; properties of numbers; and Number Talks. In addition, we will work on problem solving.  A cumulative review sheet came home today and is due Wednesday. On Wednesday and Thursday  there will be homework assigned from Math Activity books to reinforce material taught in class.  Check agenda nightly  for math homework.
          Important Dates- Cumulative Review due Wednesday; Math Test Thursday
    Science-Topics of Study – We are learning about the many  different fields of science  and science career opportunities.  We are learning and applying the Scientific Processing skills of Observation, Prediction, and Inference. There will be many opportunities with hands-on science activities!  No tests or quizzes this week! Grades will be taken on activities done in class. 
    Language Arts:Topics of Study –Reading: This week we will read the short story, “The Special Powers of Blossom Culp.” As we read, we will work on the comprehension strategies of questioning and character analysis. Within our lessons the students will answer questions while finding evidence within the text to support their answer.  We will have a vocabulary test and comprehension test on Friday.

    Important Dates – Vocabulary Test and Reading Comprehension Test on Friday

    Social Studies:Topics of Study – We will continue our study of the earliest Paleo-Indians that were in present day United States.  This will lead into our study of the later Native Americans that were here when our country was colonized. We will be doing activities and reading more about each of the cultures. There will be a test next week about Native Americans and then we will go into our Explorers Unit. 

    Important Dates – No tests this week.  Grades will be taken on activities done in class.

    Hope everyone has a great week!
    Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions at any time!    
    Mrs. McNiel    and    Mrs. Ponder