Monday, August 31, 2015

Weekly Memo -August 31st-September 4, 2015

General Announcements:
  • Camp McDowell is only a few weeks away (September 21-23).
  • ____Please email TODAY if you have not confirmed your child's spot!  
  • ______The 1st payment -$35 deposit was due last Friday.  
  • ______Camp McDowell Acknowledgement of Rick Form due Wed. (09/02). 
  • ______Camp McDowell Student Health Form due Wednesday (09/02). 
  • ______Camp McDowell 2nd payment due ($69) this Friday, (09/04). 
  • ______Camp McDowell 3rd payment due ($69)
Procedures for medications while at Camp McDowell: 

  • (NO medication will be sent to camp from the health room).
  • All medicines have to be brought from home.
  • A School Medication Prescriber/Parent Authorization form (must be completed by parent & signed by your child's doctor) for each medication. Click on the following link for a copy of this form:
  • Over the counter medications have to be in a sealed new bottle with the Parent/Provider authorization to be signed by the parent only.  
  • All medications have to be brought the morning of camp (Monday, September 21st) and given to the school nurse.
  • Only an adult can bring medication. 
  • The Camp McDowell health form has to be completed for ALL campers.
MAGAZINE orders are due on WEDNESDAYS to receive PRIZES on Fridays!


Coming up this week:
Math:Topics of Study – We will be working on Multiplication Strategies.  We will continue our Number talks and work on problem solving.  A cumulative review sheet came home today and Monday boxes are due tomorrow.  Tuesday boxes are due Wednesday. There will be homework assigned from Math Activity books to reinforce material taught in class on Wednesday and Thursday nights.  Check agenda nightly  for math homework.
      Important Dates- Multiplication Pop Quiz one day this week!
Science-Topics of Study – We are learning and applying the Scientific Processing skills of Observation, Prediction, and Inference. There will be many opportunities with hands-on science activities!    We will be applying the steps of the Scientific Method using Gummy Bears :-)                                                             Important  Dates: Science Quiz on Observation and Inference this Thursday!  Grades will also be taken on class activities. 
Language Arts:Topics of Study –Reading: This week we will read the short story, “The Peddler's Gift” As we read, we will work on the comprehension strategies of questioning and figurative language. Within our lessons the students will answer questions while finding evidence within the text to support their answer.  We will have a vocabulary test and comprehension test on Friday.
Important Dates – Vocabulary Test and Reading Comprehension Test on Friday
Social Studies:Topics of Study – We will finish our study of Native Americans this week. We will have a test on this Wednesday.  Your child has a study guide and graphic organizer to be looking over in preparation for this test. Next week, we will begin our study of explorers coming to the United States. 
Important Dates – Social Studies test Wednesday (09/02). Please study with your child!

Hope everyone has a great week!
Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions at any time!    
Mrs. McNiel    and    Mrs. Ponder

Monday, August 24, 2015

Weekly Memo - August 24th -28th, 2015
General Announcements:
  • Tomorrow Night-Tuesday, August 25th,BGIS PTO/ Open House & Camp McDowell Meeting,
  •  5:00 P.M. Camp McDowell informational meeting for 5th grade students and parents in the BGIS cafeteria. Staff members from Camp McDowell will be here to share about their educational programs and to  answer questions.
  • 6:00 P.M. BGIS PTO and Open House  Students are encouraged to attend with their parents.  We would love to see you at both!
  • Coming up this week:
    Math:Topics of Study – This week we are continuing with Investigations Unit 1 -Arrays; number puzzles; prime factorization; multiplication and division; properties of numbers; and Number Talks. In addition, we will work on problem solving.  A cumulative review sheet came home today and is due Wednesday. On Wednesday and Thursday  there will be homework assigned from Math Activity books to reinforce material taught in class.  Check agenda nightly  for math homework.
          Important Dates- Cumulative Review due Wednesday; Math Test Thursday
    Science-Topics of Study – We are learning about the many  different fields of science  and science career opportunities.  We are learning and applying the Scientific Processing skills of Observation, Prediction, and Inference. There will be many opportunities with hands-on science activities!  No tests or quizzes this week! Grades will be taken on activities done in class. 
    Language Arts:Topics of Study –Reading: This week we will read the short story, “The Special Powers of Blossom Culp.” As we read, we will work on the comprehension strategies of questioning and character analysis. Within our lessons the students will answer questions while finding evidence within the text to support their answer.  We will have a vocabulary test and comprehension test on Friday.

    Important Dates – Vocabulary Test and Reading Comprehension Test on Friday

    Social Studies:Topics of Study – We will continue our study of the earliest Paleo-Indians that were in present day United States.  This will lead into our study of the later Native Americans that were here when our country was colonized. We will be doing activities and reading more about each of the cultures. There will be a test next week about Native Americans and then we will go into our Explorers Unit. 

    Important Dates – No tests this week.  Grades will be taken on activities done in class.

    Hope everyone has a great week!
    Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions at any time!    
    Mrs. McNiel    and    Mrs. Ponder

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Open House & Camp McDowell

  • BGIS PTO/Open House will be Tuesday, August 25th at 6:00 P.M . This year students are encouraged to attend with their parents.
  • There will be a Camp McDowell meeting for 5th grade students and parents in the cafeteria before the PTO/Open House at 5:00 P.M. Staff members from Camp McDowell will be there to give information and answer questions. Look for an information sheet coming home this week with your child.

We would love to see you at both!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Weekly Memo - August 17-21, 2015

General Announcements:
  •     We have had an absolutely wonderful start to this school year!!    We are very fortunate to teach such a fantastic group of fifth graders!   We are getting into our school routines, and the students have done a wonderful job transitioning to 5th grade at Brock’s Gap!  We have spent much of our time working on procedures.  While this isn’t very exciting, we know that this will be so very beneficial as we continue this year.  You should expect a team e-newsletter from us each week. We use this blog to post our newsletter information  Our newsletter is an important tool for us to share information.  We will also have a link to our blog that you can go to for the  under our signatures on each email.  This link will have all newsletters for the year in it. 
  •   Your child should bring their zipper binders home every day beginning today.  In this binder, they should have their agenda.  This agenda will serve as a communication tool between home and school.  Please check this each day for important information for each class. We are trying to get all students in the habit of writing in each subject each day.  Please initial this agenda every day for the next two weeks so that the students see the importance of this communication tool between home and school.
  • Our first PTO General Session Meeting of the Year is next Tuesday, August 25th at 6PM.  It is also Open House for BGIS.  We will have general session and PE/Specials and teacher introductions 6-6:30 afterwards we will meet as team teachers on our hall at 6:30PM.
  • If your child is interested in being part of the BGTV broadcast team please encourage them to click the following link  here to complete an application! This is a great way to be involved at BGIS!  
Coming up this week:
Math:Topics of Study – This week, we will begin Investigations Unit 1 -Arrays; number puzzles; prime factorization; multiplication and division; properties of numbers; and Number Talks. In addition, we will work on problem solving.  A cumulative review sheet came home today.  Students are responsible for various sections of this nightly.  There will be homework assigned from their Math Activity books to reinforce material taught in class.  Check agenda for math homework.

Science-Topics of Study –   Greetings from the Science lab!  This week we  will  discuss and make picture collages of "What is Science?" We will discuss SAFETY in the Science Lab. We will also begin learning the Science Processing Skills.  Weekly grades will be taken from class activities (including science journals) and homework.  Students will be notified several days in advance of quizzes and tests.  Students are encouraged to use their class notes and science journals to help them review for tests and quizzes.

Language Arts:Topics of Study –
Reading: Next week we will read the short story, “Charles.” As we read, we will work on the comprehension strategies of questioning and finding theme. Within our lessons the students will answer questions while finding evidence within the text to support their answer.  We will have a vocabulary test and comprehension test on Friday.

Important Dates – Vocabulary Test and Reading Comprehension Test on Friday

Social Studies:Topics of Study – We will continue our study of the earliest Paleo-Indians that were in present day United States.  This will lead into our study of the later Native Americans that were here when our country was colonized.  

Important Dates – No tests this week.  Grades will be taken on activities done in class.

Hope everyone has a great week!
Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions at any time!    
Mrs. McNiel    and    Mrs. Ponder    

 Reading Corner
 Playing wall ball
 Popsicle team party!

Friday, August 14, 2015

Welcome Back to School!

We have had a great start back to school and are excited for this new year!
  • Please bring your Chromebook charged to school on Monday. Also, please return student information sheets if you have not already done so. Enjoy your weekend!