Monday, May 16, 2016

May 16th-May 20th

General Announcements:

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    Thank you for the kindness you have shown to us not only last week through teacher appreciation, but throughout this entire school year! We are grateful for your support! We have loved having your children and truly hope we can keep up with them through the years!
    This week is still a full week of learning :-)
    Next week's schedule:
    • Monday (5/23): Full day- Afternoon Ice Cream Party
    • Tuesday (5/24): Full day
    • Wednesday (5/25): Dismissal at 12:45
    • Thursday (5/26): Dismissal at 11:00
    • Friday (5/27): First day of SUMMER vacation !!!!!!
    • Our end of the year ice cream party is May 23rd. Please click here to sign up if you want to send in an item!
    • All Library books are due this week. Please be sure your child has turned in their books. This week, we will also be turning in textbooks. Please be sure your child has their Sciencesaurus textbook and their 2 hardcover math books at school and ready to turn in this week.
    • Medications are NOT held in the Health Room from one school year to the next.  Students are not allowed to carry their own medications as policy states by the State Department of Education.  Therefore, an adult will need to pick up your child’s medication by noon on May 26. Any medication that is left in the Health Room will be discarded after noon on May 26, 2016
    • BGIS First Priority
      will be collecting items to help stock a local food bank that helps Hoover students and families.
      The food bank needs the following items:
      peanut butter
      canned meat: tuna, chicken, spam, ...
      Peanut butter crackers
      Donations may be dropped off in the boxes
      each morning in the front lobby
      or in Room 324
      Thanks for your support!
      Language Arts:

      • The students need to read "Why do we collect parasites" on Tween Tribune this week. Please make sure your child has a chapter book to be reading at home. 
      • We are finishing up writing narratives this week! The kids will be editing their stories on their chromebooks. The kids will have their last  Greek and Latin Roots quiz on Unit 9 words Thursday, May 19th. The Greek and Latin Roots homework is due on Wednesday, May 18th if it is not finished in class.
      • We have a Grammar IXL contract this week that covers skills B.1, B.2, E.2, JJJ.1, and JJJ.3 (Level G). It is due Friday, May 20th. 
      Social Studies:

        • We are completing our unit on the Civil War. We are finishing up a booklet with all the Civil War information. 
        • We will have a Civil War Test on Tuesday, May 17th. A study guide will came home today for students to start to look over last Tuesday and I have posted a review game in google classroom. The Civil War book will be taken up for a test grade on Tuesday, May 17th.
        • This week students will take our final unit test on Multiplying and Dividing Decimals. Students may take this Test....Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday this week. We reviewed in class and prepared last week for this test. We played a couple of review games in class today as extra practice. Thirty students actually took the test today.  
        •  We will continue problem solving practice and Number Talks as time allows between now and our last day of school (next Thursday)! . Let me say that your child's math toolbox should be overflowing with Math knowledge. I am so pleased at how hard they have each worked this school year!  
        • NO Cumulative Review as homework this week. We will complete a Cumulative Review in class. There are NO NEW IXL skills this week.
        • STUDY GUIDE came home today for our Unit Test on Earth's Place in the Universe.  There is also a copy of the study guide information on the Science page of this blog:
        •  We reviewed in class today and will review again tomorrow for our Earth Science TEST THIS WEDNESDAY.  The test will be taken online and will be multiple choice, true/false, matching, or word bank.  The test is knowledge and application of the activities we have been doing in class for the past couple of weeks.   THIS IS OUR LAST SCIENCE TEST for 5th grade :-) 

        Monday, May 9, 2016

        May 9th-13th

        General Announcements:

        Image result for april clipart

          • Please ASK your child if they have pencils. We still have a few weeks of learning :-) 
          • Our end of the year ice cream party is May 23rd. Please click here to sign up if you want to send in an item!
          • Hoover City Schools Middle School transition night is TONIGHT- May 9th from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at Bumpus, Simmons, and Berry. Students and parents can visit any of our Hoover middle schools and get an overview of classes and activities available to students.We will not be visiting Bumpus at a separate time this school year (*The rezoning is pending court approval). For more information click on the following: Hoover Middle 
          • A note from BGIS Music teacher, Mrs. Vines:  
            Fifth grade parents,
            It's time for your students to return their recorder books to the music room.  We've had great success this year with letting students take these books home but they do have to be returned by the end of the school year. If they have been lost or irreparably damaged they need to be paid for as soon as possible.
            They are $5.00 each and can be paid for on Thank you! 
          • Medications are NOT held in the Health Room from one school year to the next.  Students are not allowed to carry their own medications as policy states by the State Department of Education.  Therefore, an adult will need to pick up your child’s medication by noon on May 26. Any medication that is left in the Health Room will be discarded after noon on May 26, 2016
          • Schedule for the last week of school:Normal days on Monday and Tuesday (23rd and 24th), dismissal at 12:45 on Wednesday (25th), and dismissal at 11:00 on Thursday (26th). School's out for summer!
          • BGIS First Priority
            will be collecting items to help stock a local food bank that helps Hoover students and families.
            The food bank needs the following items:
            peanut butter
            canned meat: tuna, chicken, spam, ...
            Peanut butter crackers
            Donations may be dropped off in the boxes
            each morning in the front lobby
            or in Room 324
            Thanks for your support!
            Language Arts:
            • The students need to read "Researchers use drones to control fires"  on Tween Tribune this week. There will be a spotlight reader on Friday, May 13th! Please make sure your child has a chapter book to be reading at home. 
            • We are writing narratives this week! The kids will be brainstorming ideas for a story The kids will have a Greek and Latin Roots quiz Friday, May 13th.
            • We have a Grammar IXL contract this week that covers skills TT.9, AAA.2, EEE.1, HHH.1, HHH.2, and III.3 (Level G). It is due Friday, May 13th. 
            Social Studies:
              • We are in our unit on the Civil War. This week we will talk about the life of a soldiers, important battles, and how the war ended. We are creating a booklet with all the Civil War information. 
              • We will have a Civil War Test on Tuesday, May 17th. A study guide will come home today for students to start to look over. The Civil War book will be taken up for a test grade on Monday, May 16th.
              • We are still working on our multiplication and dividing decimals unit.  We are also doing lots of problem solving as a review of just about everything we have learned this school year. Let me say that your child's math toolbox should be overflowing with Math knowledge. 
              • NO Cumulative Review tonight. I plan to send home a decimals study guide as a review for our last Unit test which will be next week.
              • IXL activities will are due THIS Thursday, May 12th, by the end of the day. Class time has been given EVERY morning to work on these activities.
                 Level G- J2, Y1, Y4, Y8, Y9, Y10, and Z31. 
              • We are enjoying our new unit called Earth's Place in the Universe. 
              • We are learning about different sizes of stars, their apparent, and absolute brightness.  We are learning how one factor (relative distance from Earth) determines the apparent brightness of the sun compared to other stars. 
              • Grade will be taken on activities done in class.
              • There will be a Science Test next week or this week, if we finish in time. 

                Wednesday, May 4, 2016

                May 2nd-9th

                General Announcements:

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                Image result for may clipart

                  • Please ASK your child if they have pencils. We still have a few weeks of learning :-)
                  • A note from BGIS Music teacher, Mrs. Vines:  
                    Fifth grade parents,
                    It's time for your students to return their recorder books to the music room.  We've had great success this year with letting students take these books home but they do have to be returned by the end of the school year. If they have been lost or irreparably damaged they need to be paid for as soon as possible.
                    They are $5.00 each and can be paid for on In May I will send emails to individuals who still need to return their books.  In case you're wondering, here is what they look like:
                  • Hoover City Schools Middle School transition night will be May 9th from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at Bumpus, Simmons, and Berry. Students and parents can visit any of our Hoover middle schools and get an overview of classes and activities available to students.We will not be visiting Bumpus at a separate time this school year (*The rezoning is pending court approval). For more information click on the following: Hoover Middle
                  • A note from the Bumpus Bulletin: The PTO is excited to announce that School Supply Kits will be available to order again this year. To order go to and enter account number: 30971. Orders must be placed by May 25, 2016. 6th grade $60.00 7th grade $50.00 8th grade $65.00 All materials needed for the school year are included EXCEPT ear buds (6th and 7th grades) and calculators (all grades). Students will be given details on the calculators when they start school in the fall. These kits are for Bumpus Students only. These are not the Supply Kits for Simmons students. All ordering must be done online. Print your SchoolKidz receipt and bring it with you to registration to pick up your supplies! Registration is scheduled for August 2, 2016. Any questions contact LeAnna at (205)447-0089.
                  • Parents
                    Medications are NOT held in the Health Room from one school year to the next.  Students are not allowed to carry their own medications as policy states by the State Department of Education.  Therefore, an adult will need to pick up your child’s medication by noon on May 26. Any medication that is left in the Health Room will be discarded after noon on May 26, 2016
                  • BGIS First Priority
                    will be collecting items to help stock a local food bank that helps Hoover students and families.
                    The food bank needs the following items:
                    peanut butter
                    canned meat: tuna, chicken, spam, ...
                    Peanut butter crackers

                    Donations may be dropped off in the boxes
                    each morning in the front lobby
                    or in Room 324

                    Thanks for your support!
                    Language Arts:
                    • The students need to read "5th grader's letter prompts decision on money"  on Tween Tribune this week. There will be a spotlight reader on Friday, May 6th! Please make sure your child has a chapter book to be reading at home. 
                    • We are finishing up reading "All Summer in a Day" in class this week. We are discussing figurative language and doing a creative writing prompt. The kids will have a Vocabulary and comprehension quiz Thursday, May 5th.  
                    • We have a Grammar IXL contract this week that covers skills UU.1, VV.2, ZZ.1, AAA.1, DDD.1 and FFF.1 (Level G). It is due Friday, May 6th. 
                    Social Studies:
                      • We are beginning our unit on the Civil War. This week we will talk about the start of the war and the differences between the Union and Confederate army. We will be creating a booklet with all the Civil War information. 
                      • We will have a Civil War Test on May 17th.   
                      • We are still working on our multiplication and dividing decimals unit.  We are also doing lots of problem solving as a review of just about everything we have learned this school year. Let me say that your child's math toolbox should be overflowing with Math knowledge.
                      • Cumulative Review #24 was assigned Monday and was due today!
                      • New IXL activities will be assigned tomorrow and will be due next Thursday.  
                        Math IXL Level G- 
                        Z,31,Y8, Y9, Y10, J2
                      • We will also be starting a new unit called Earth's Place in the Universe. 
                      • We are learning about different sizes of stars, their apparent, and absolute brightness.  We are learning how one factor (relative distance from Earth) determines the apparent brightness of the sun compared to other stars. 
                      • Grade will be taken on activities done in class.
                      • There will be a Science Test next week.